28 February 2011

A Week in the Life of My Stomach

So late last night I had this lekker idea, stemming from the notion that people modify their behavior when on film and coupled with the by-gone zeal for self-experimentation that marked my college days[i].  Starting today {through Sunday} I intend to take a picture of everything I put into my body.  Think of it as an answer to the question “what did you eat!?”[ii]  The subtext to this is that, holding account of myself later on, I might be more likely to balance my meals to a photogenic nutritious sheen.  Insidious, no?  At the very least, it makes for an interesting activity!

[i] Including but not limited to such topics as ‘sleep deprivation,’ 'parallel universes,' ‘metabolization of {insert substance},’ and ‘the great flatulence archive.’
[ii] To paraphrase the initial reaction to our public unveiling of the aforementioned flatulence archive.  Imagine mixed shock and disdain, if you will.

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