Its progressive disuse could probably be linked to a few factors; less free time what with the job and all, more story content being uploaded onto the Y! Contributor site (with this being my catch-all for material unpostable there), and less time online in general. I'd like to resurrect rather than scrap it (the fate of other projects, such as RudianBM) but I wonder if it could use a face lift, perhaps something with 'Portland' alliteratively thrown into the title. Something with more purpose - such as specifically delving into this new, seamy, sacrilegiously hip Portland world - or keeping it along the same shim-sham line of whimsy? What do y'all ('the royal you') think?
Send your response and €1 in a plain white envelope to:
Alliterative Portlandia Blognom Project
PO Box 112320
Portland, OR 97214
or by all means drop a comment on this entry and give us ('the plebeian me') a hint.
Very Cheers,
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