17 July 2011

A Place; A Probability; A Portland!

     So I finally have a new, geographically outward direction:  Portlandia!  The unholy land, the hipster's paradise, the original Skid Row!  All these things and more, so I've heard.  It's an exciting prospect, and as I sort through my things and prepare for the big shift next month I realize it is also a time for change.  I've kicked off a Google+ account (definitely worth a try if you haven't yet; once more people get on board it'll be something great), updated all my address books and the like, regurgitated my resume, and now I'm looking over my generally neglected blog (i.e. this) and wondering what I should do with it.
     Its progressive disuse could probably be linked to a few factors; less free time what with the job and all, more story content being uploaded onto the Y! Contributor site (with this being my catch-all for material unpostable there), and less time online in general.  I'd like to resurrect rather than scrap it (the fate of other projects, such as RudianBM) but I wonder if it could use a face lift, perhaps something with 'Portland' alliteratively thrown into the title.  Something with more purpose - such as specifically delving into this new, seamy, sacrilegiously hip Portland world - or keeping it along the same shim-sham line of whimsy?  What do y'all ('the royal you') think?
Send your response and €1 in a plain white envelope to:

Alliterative Portlandia Blognom Project
PO Box 112320
Portland, OR 97214

or by all means drop a comment on this entry and give us ('the plebeian me') a hint.

Very Cheers,


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