"Mind the minors, plea-uzz!" |
Hey, fans and folk! So I was reperusing the blog entries of yesteryear (of earlier this year, mostly) and've concluded some of the stories just aren't acceptable for G-rated audiences. Just one or two, which means that instead of going through the off-putting process of initiating the blogspot 18-or-older-to-enter splash, I've doodled up a little logo to place at the top of all and any posts that might qualify as being of a somewhat 'seedy' nature. Not that those come up often, though of course I try not to pull too many punches when it comes to language here and there (as most of y'all readers may well know by now). This is that logo, and the caption that will accompany it for future reference. I think it pretty much captures the spirit of the thing, while at the same time not fending people off from finding soup recipes and the like.
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