1 box Streit's split pea soup mix (or similar substance)
4 cups water
1/2 cup Spam, cubed
1/2 onion, 1/2 sweet potato, likewise chopped
pepper, herb d'Provence, 2 cloves garlic, etc
1/2 cup mushroom and 1 tomato, chopped
Begin boiling the water on the stove, as per the Streit's directions. Once boiling, add the peas, garlic, sweet potatoes, and onion to the pot; cover and simmer on a LO heat. Set your timer for one hour (total), bearing in mind the various steps during the cooking process. Viz, add the Spam after thirty minutes; add the mushroom, tomato, and flavourant after forty-five. At the hour mark the soup should be ready to eat!
Easy, eh? But no split pea soup would quite be complete without a complimentary carbo to accompany it. Having neither crackers nor corn meal (for some grade-A cornbread) on hand I've decided to resurrect my Quick-fix Zam Curry Bread. When the soup is at the half-hour mark add to a bowl:
a dash of salt
an ample dusting of baking powder
a tsp of curry powder and a dusting of chili powder
a dribbling of oil
Mix all this together with a butter knife and add some water from the tap; not a lot, now! In marginal increments add to and mix the floury mixture until it becomes a nearly doughy (moist but still floury in texture) mixture. Knead it into a ball with your hands and let it sit in the bowl for ten or fifteen minutes. Heat up a skillet with a light covering of oil (like a home-infused garlic olive oil, for instance) and pressing the dough ball flat, fry on MED or MED-HI until browned a bit on either end. Should be about ready as the soup finishes up, perfect for a spicy sop.
And viola! A meal fit for a soup kitcheny king.
(Compliment with a fragrant glass of ouzo.)
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